
Geography at St Stephen's

Geography Long Term Plan

Progression of Skills in Geography

How we aspire in Geography

A – A whole school curriculum with high expectations and excellence delivered rigorously through well sequenced subjects, progression in generative knowledge, rich vocabulary, concepts and skills. 

The Geography curriculum has been sequenced to build upon the units in each year group and key stage and to develop learning from other subjects across the Primary curriculum.   We revisit National curriculum objectives throughout the school curriculum map, in order to extend and consolidate previous knowledge.  We provide the children with knowledge organisers at the start of, and to utilise throughout the topic to develop their vocabulary and aid their knowledge retrieval.  Geography lessons commence with retrieval quizzes to recall knowledge from previous lessons.  


S –Stimulating enquiring minds by providing rich and relevant experiences, purposeful and connected learning, and creative thinking.

Our Geography curriculum is sequenced to build upon three main geographical themes: map skills; global issues and comparison of human and physical geography in contrasting locations around the world.  Pupils have a relevant curriculum, utilising fieldwork in the local area.  Children learn about global issues and how they can serve a purpose in developing our world and how they can make a difference in their local environment.  We offer the children rich and relevant experiences, such as outdoor classroom and day and fairtrade fortnight to connect their learning in school with the wider community. 


P – Placing nurturing, lifelong learning behaviours – resilience, risk taking, independence, perseverance, and pride in success ​- at the heart of our curriculum. 

The curriculum has been structured to teach and reflect upon global and local issues that the children can have an impact on.   We encourage the children to look after our environment and think about the wider world, to look after our amazing planet.  We encourage the children to respond positively to challenge and ask questions to further their enquiry of Geography.  Our teaching strategy includes Rosenshine's principles and regular retrieval practice boosts independent learning and resilience.  Geography motivates children to investigate the physical world and enables them to recognise the importance of sustainable development for the future.  


I – Inclusivity and flexibility which allows us to cater for individual needs, abilities and interests

All pupils are able to access our Geography curriculum and teachers adapt plans where necessary to cater for individual needs.  Differentiated support, task and outcome can support and challenge all learners to achieve their full potential and inspire a curiosity for the world around us.  We have the flexibility to adapt our curriculum in response to children's interests and own experiences of places.  


R- Revisiting key knowledge, skills and vocab, so pupils know more and remember more​.

Geographical knowledge is revisited at the start of every lesson by using their retrieval practice. Key vocabulary is regularly reviewed and discussed. Quizzes at the end of topics all pupils to show how much they remember. 


E -Encompassing the Whole Child – developing their faith, values, spirituality, health and well-being, and understanding of the world we live in, their future role in our culturally diverse community and country where equality and tolerance is promoted

Our Geography curriculum inspires a curiosity about the world and celebrates the different people, faiths and cultures that inhabit our Earth.  Christian values are embedded in our curriculum, particularly friendship and wisdom.   We teach the children geographical knowledge so that they can recognise the importance of sustainable development for their future.  We prepare them to be a member of a class, school, local community and also for their future role in modern Britain and as a global citizen.


Summer term Knowledge OrGanisers

Y1 What is it like to live in Antarctica key skills KO

Y2 What is it like to live in Kenya Key Skills KO

Y3 What is it like to live in France Key Skills KO

Y4 What is it like to live in Australia Key Skills KO

Y5 What is it like to live in Brazil key skills

Y6 What is it like to live in London