
Maths at St Stephen's CE Primary School

Maths Policy

Whole School Maths Curriculum and Progression

Vocabulary Progression at St Stephen's

SS Calculation Policy

How we ASPIRE in Maths

At St Stephen’s we believe that every child should be free to develop and receive encouragement to succeed. There is a clear focus on making fluency, reasoning and problem solving challenges available to all learners regardless of their current ability. Through this approach, all children are given a wide range of challenging tasks which encourage the application of problem skills in real-life contexts. This aligns with the ethos of the Mastery Model of teaching mathematics, which St Stephen’s is well along the way to having embedded in the school. This ensures the inclusive value mentioned above as well as utilising clear models, structures and representations to teach key concepts, supported by use of manipulatives where appropriate. Knowledge is taught and modelled by the expert teacher and children are then given a journey to apply this new knowledge with purposeful practice and then given challenges to deepen their understanding.

A-whole school curriculum with high expectations and excellence delivered rigorously through well sequenced subjects, progression in generative knowledge, rich vocabulary, concepts and skills

·        The Maths curriculum at St Stephen’s aims is well-designed using the White Rose Education structure as a basis which teachers then adapt to the needs of their children but ensure rigour in helping learning learn through small steps

·        The 5-part lesson structure in Maths is research-informed and provides children with the best chance of retaining key knowledge and skills which will build the schema for future learning opportunities

·        Displays, content and models are delivered and used to emphasise key mathematical language and vocabulary so that children become more proficient in their oracy during Maths

·        Teachers are able to use Key Performance Indicators from all years of the curriculum so they can target the key objectives that children must have understood before learning the content in their planning and know where to pitch their teaching so all learners are challenged in their lessons


S-timulating enquiring minds by providing rich and relevant experiences, purposeful and connected learning, and creative thinking 

·        Ruler of Reasoning sessions are implemented to give a wider experience of applying mathematical knowledge and skills as well as make connections with previous learning

·        The Maths curriculum is taught using the Mastery approach which requires learners to make connections between concepts they have learnt previously and new knowledge they are being taught

·        Practice in Maths is purposeful and productive during the 5-part lesson structure and all learning is adapted to learners’ needs giving them the opportunity to be more independent

·        Interleaving is recommended when setting questions for children so they can apply other mathematical concepts to objectives they are working on e.g. finding the fraction of an amount in a problem related to m and cm

·        Wider opportunities to experience Maths are explored and encouraged by all teaching staff in this subject area


P-lacing nurturing, lifelong learning behaviours – resilience, risk taking, independence, perseverance, and pride in success - at the heart of our curriculum


·        Maths uses real life contexts and creative hooks to engage children’s interest and highlight the importance of maths for future life

·        Mistakes and misconceptions are seen as opportunities for learning to take place. Children are given the opportunity to correct mistakes and reason why a misconception is incorrect using the correct mathematical vocabulary

·        Neat presentation in Maths is an expectation and children will be given feedback when they need to take more pride in their learning presented in their Maths books


I - Inclusivity and flexibility which allows us to cater for individual needs, abilities and interests. 

·        Maths is delivered in ‘small steps’ of learning to allow all pupils success.

·        Mixed ability seating encourages support and modelling for children throughout the lessons.

·        Our teaching structure is designed to be stimulating and encourage children to ask lots of questions and seek answers. We want to encourage them to be inquisitive about the world around them and beyond and to develop independent research skills when they may ask questions that we may not have immediate answers to.

·        Children who are working below age-related expectations are given an adapted approach to ensure they make the best progress possible 

R-evisiting key knowledge, skills and vocab, so pupils know more and remember more 

·        Introducing subject-specific vocabulary that they can use in other areas.

·        Early Bird Maths every single day which is designed to revisit key knowledge consistently

·        Use of low stakes quizzing to encourage children to recall what they have learned, particularly to develop number bond, repeated addition, times tables and arithmetic skills

·        History encourages children to develop skills in synthesising taught content and considering what it means to them (interpretation).

·        Assessment tasks give children the opportunity to show what they have learned and remembered.

E - Encompassing the whole child- developing their faith, values, spirituality, health and well-being and understanding the world we live in, their future in our culturally diverse community and country where equality and tolerance is promoted. 

·        Talk and discussion is an important part of Maths teaching and learning at St Stephen’s so the values of ‘Respect’ and ‘Love’ play a vital role in Maths 

·        Children are able to trust that when they make a mistake in their working that Maths in the school are safe lessons to make those mistakes and allow these mistakes to be our friends 

·        There is a drive to develop well-rounded citizens and help our children become excellent members of society and a strong grounding in a quality Maths curriculum will support them in going on to achieve what they desire

·        This is the passion with which we aspire to bring the best we can as a school in the teaching and learning of Maths.

Extending the Subject