Year 4
Hello and welcome to our Year 4 class page at St. Stephen's C.E Primary School.
The Year 4 Class Team this year are: Mr. Lindsay (Class Teacher), Miss. Doan (Class Teacher - supporting) and Miss. Padmore (Teaching Assistant). Our phase leader is Miss Doan (Deputy Headteacher). If there is anything you need, please just ask one of us and we will do all we can or find an answer for you and get back to you.
Please note that our PE days this half term will be Wednesday and Friday. Children should come to school dressed in their PE kits on these days and all earrings should be removed before coming to school.
Useful Links
Please find below some really useful links to support your child’s learning in Year 4:
Collective Worship
Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Harvest Service.
Our next service in St. Stephen's Church will be on Thursday 28th March at 9.15am on the Christian Value of 'Forgiveness'
Watch out for more exciting news and stories from our wonderful class on our Instagram page - we post several stories each week. Find us by scanning the QR code here using your smartphone camera.