Welcome to Reception!
Your Reception Class Team : Mrs Hadfield (class teacher), Miss Cowley (teaching assistant), Miss Marchant (teaching assistant). Miss O'Connor (teacher) will be in the class on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. If there is anything you need please just ask one of us and we will do all we can or we will find an answer for you and get back to you.
Reception Spring 2 Curriculum Overview
Useful Links
Some really useful links this year are below- we hope these help you and your child. If you need any support or advice, we are on the doors each morning and evening so please just ask!
Parent Support
Our PE day:
(please remember to wear full PE kit on these days and remove all earrings before you come to school)
Collective Worship
Year 2 will be leading our worship on Thursday 3rd April in the church focussing on our half term value of forgiveness.
Watch out for more exciting news and stories from our wonderful class on our Instagram page - we post several stories each week...find us by scanning the QR code here...using your smartphone camera: